[CLANNAD AFTER STORY] A comprehensive ending explanation.

Another Clannad post. Talk about a boring blog.

So you finished Clannad and Clannad ~After Story~,
loved it and cried with the characters tears of sadness and happiness.
…or found it utterly boring and think it’s some overrated manipulative drama.
Either way, you may have enjoyed the drama, the romance and even bits of the totally out of place comedy. But still didn’t fully understand what happened on the final episodes or what kind of sorcery was that.
You know that “Oh it was the miracle thingy and all” won’t do for an explanation so here we are.
Bellow you’ll find a list of Q&As and a timeline of the story’s events. Hopefully it helps clearing up things for you.

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(Yet another) Patema Inverted world interpretation

[(Edit: Apr, 2, 2021) Hi everyone! This post got more attention than I anticipated and a lot of people wrote their own interpretation of the film’s events on the comments. I recommend skimming through them as well, given some are also really detailed. Guess it just goes to show that, despite some flaws, the film did its job of being puzzling and entertaining. Thanks for reading!]

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My take on Sora no Woto’s location and background story

There’s a lot of speculation surrounding this series when it comes to the geographical location of Helvetia as well as what caused the doom of modern society.
In this post, I try to make a comprehensive summary of my findings -more for personal archive usage- but worth sharing in case someone else is also interested.
Goes without saying, WARNING: SPOILERS APLENTY!

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5 Centimeters per Second – An analysis about “love”

Finishing the Shinkai-related killstreak of posts here on this blog, this is something that may sound REALLY random to a few, while actually make sense to others.
I’m still not entirely convinced of it myself, but it’s worth sharing.

Subject: 5cm/s is not a tale of true love.

Continue reading “5 Centimeters per Second – An analysis about “love””